Alternative Earning Opportunities For Developers


Website Development whether it be working with a software house, agency or freelancing has increased dramatically in the last few years. Businesses have started to understand the need for digital imprints in the market today, hence the need of websites has increased.

Businesses whether it be e-commerce stores or service providers, everyone is looking for a website, and this is where developers have grown in number and stature

But as the number of businesses increase directly proportional to the number of developers as well, the chances to gain projects to develop websites has also become much more difficult

This is why earning developing websites can become difficult for people to run as a business or freelance gigs

This is why we will look at some other alternatives that developers can use to earn money online

Website Maintenance Services

Many websites after development, still suffer from a lot of issues with dealing with post-deployment bugs and errors. Many developers just develop a website and never look back, this is where you can stand out from the crowd and provide maintenance services for websites

Whether it be fixing current bugs or errors on the current one, providing new updates for current designs or functionalities, you get a chance to charge more for either your own project or someone else’s

Affiliate Programs

Developing websites for clients always seems easier as compared to making one for your own. There was a time there would be no appeal for one to make for them, but with the rise of affiliate program many developers have started to develop websites to market different affiliate programs

Affiliate programs have created a great means of earning for many people, not just developers. The affiliates have a chance to earn money while not worrying about fulfilling customer products and/or services are completed or not. You get a chance to earn while helping a business earn money as well, basically earning a commission from each sale or any other pay structure that any company’s affiliate program runs on

Although, just developing a website is not enough, using different marketing strategies and approaches are needed to be planned out in order to get the most out of affiliate programs

Some of the best affiliate programs out there for developers is a web hosting affiliate program, related to something that they do and easier to sell off. Similarly you can check out, e-commerce tech related affiliate programs to relate with the technological aspects.

Reseller Hosting

Staying on the topic of web hosting, many web hosting service providers are now also offering there own reseller hosting programs.

Reseller hosting, basically allows you to act as a hosting service provider for your current and/or new clients. This would help you to create a retainer for different clients and earn on a monthly recurring basis.

Some of the companies, give you the authority to act as a hosting provider but unfortunately do not give your customers the same level of support that you would get as an individual, whereas some would give you complete access to customer support and white label each report and billing aspect for your customers.

This would provide you complete access for their c-panels, how much bandwidth and storage to provide each website you are hosting and earn easily along the way without worrying about any problem or issue

Digital Marketing

This one is a bit way off but can potentially work wonders and create a great means of income for you

Digital marketing is what businesses are looking for to market their products, the potential of digital marketing has increased dramatically.

This is where web developers can start to potentially target their current clients and get them on board for digital marketing services

Many digital marketing agencies start out from developing websites for new clients and upsell them later on for digital marketing services


Website development is a field that has grown exponentially, many people young and old are getting into web development, whether it be front-end designing, backend development, database development etc.

Apart from the ones mentioned in the list, the best thing has to always be website development that can help you earn a lot of money whether it be a side gig or full fledge business

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